Raymond Thunder Sky’s Weekend News & Views

I’ve been “off the grid” for the last week, camping with the fam in Indiana.  For my return, I figured I’d better update the news out there. 

  • We’ll start with another article on the Thunder-Sky, Inc. Gallery.  (There’s also a nifty blog by Keith Banner here!)  The Thunder-Sky, Inc. website has announced a festival in late September, so mark your calendars.

  • The 20th Anniversary of the ADA came and went, and there were a boatload of articles about it.  Most were simply announcements of celebrations, but some were a little more in-depth, including something from Deborah Kendrick.  I went to the celebration on Fountain Square and was less than enthused with what I heard from the speakers.  Most just touted the law and it’s impact.  Only Steve Driehaus seemed to really get what the important issues are.  He spoke about his experience with the practicalities of the law, its shortcomings, and the work to do in the future.  Yours truly wrote a letter to the editor essentially saying the same thing.  I think Driehaus stole my ideas!  If he starts talking about the need to finish painting the back of the house, you’ll know he’s been monitoring my thoughts for sure.

  • Here’s a gem:  an article/podcast about the recent grant awarded by the Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission to Griffin-Hammis Associates.  As Candice mentioned, Dave Hammis lives nearby and we got to meet him for coffee a few months ago.  I learned more about work from that dude in that one hour than I’ve learned in ten years. 

  • Hamilton County Board of DD Services won a National Award for Excellence!  Complete with a terrific pic of Cheryl and Brady.  I hold those people in high esteem.  But it is surprising that these people didn’t win that award…Cheryl, if you want more awards, I think you should consider funding lap dances in the future.

  • An article about inclusive theatre. I only link it for two reasons: A) it briefly mentions Cincinnati and references (I think) the Marjorie Book Continuing Education Society and Joe Link’s work and B) it talks about Kevin Kling, who I saw at the Playhouse in the Park for his show How? How? Why? Why? Why?
