Dream Big
Discovery is one of the best things about this job. When Starfire received Ohio Family Network funding from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities two years ago, the Starfire Family Network was able to formalize its service to families in Southwest Ohio, throughout the state, country and around the world.
Photo credit: Instagram.com/efearn.mobile
Charity and her family live in Ohio and participate in the Starfire Family Network. She and her family are completing a family project – in fact, a couple of projects. And that’s the beauty of the Family Network. Families with developmental disabilities work with a Starfire mentor to create a project that helps establish an identity exclusive of the disability while creating something that benefits the community and builds connections.
Raised beds. Instagram.com/efearn.mobile
Charity and her family began by doing simple bike repairs to help neighborhood kids riding. And they didn’t stop there. Because they live in a ‘food dessert’, their shopping choices are limited.
“We’re pretty handy, so we built some raised beds,” says Charity. “Now we can grow our own produce. And we can share it, too.”
But Charity says her family was inspired to do even more. “We installed a ‘Little Library’ box,” offers Charity, “it was small – with one shelf. But, during the pandemic, we started seeing that it was hard to find things like toilet paper and masks. So, we thought, ‘why not turn our library into a ‘blessing box’ to share books, school supplies and yes, even toilet paper.”
Photo credit: Instagram.com/efearn.mobile
Bottom line: they needed a bigger box. Charity adds, “When we had to get a new roof, I talked the installers into helping install a new, larger ‘Blessing Box’ for our front yard. The roofers got a sign out of the deal, and were able to share more things with our neighbors, including bike supplies.”
Photo credit: Instagram.com/efearn.mobile
Everyone has a role with the projects, including Charity’s 15-year-old daughter, Erin.
“Erin has many gifts,” says Charity. “She is an artist, photographer, and storyteller, and she uses her gifts to document what’s happening in the neighborhood on her Instagram page.
Charity says that working with Starfire has given her a greater sense of community – and confidence. “Starfire has given Erin the confidence to develop her identity,” states Charity, “and Erin is growing her voice as an activist, too.”
Photographer, social activist and Starfire partner Erin @ work!
When a bill that would limit disability rights in Ohio was presented, Erin was asked to testify at an Ohio Senate sub-committee hearing. “She wrote her own comments and delivered her testimony with confidence, and the experience gave her the opportunity remind everyone that people with disabilities have rights. And that we’re not stupid.”
Follow Erin at https://www.instagram.com/efearn.mobile/ and learn more about the Starfire Family Network at https://www.starfirecincy.org/families